All my items from Gloria Jeans have very interesting story of their creation – they are products of one man’s dream!
For many years I worked for well known US denim brand, until one day owner of the company returned from fashion show in Europe and asked me to find “this man in Russia that makes beautiful jeans for kids”. I found this man and I ended up working as a consultant for his company.
And here is the story……Once upon a time in a far land of Russia lived a little boy, an orphan, his name was Vladimir Melnikov. Most of the time he had no food to eat, no place to sleep. And he had a dream… to own a pair of Levi’s jeans (40 years ago in Russia it was a symbol of freedom and prosperity). And also he had a dream that one day every little boy and girl in Russia will have a pair of jeans and “every little Cinderella will feel like a princess”.
Vladimir fought for his dream all his life. Soviet government sent him to prison 3 times for his attempts to organize denim business. Finally, in 1988 company Gloria Jeans was born. For Vladimir it was a glory to his dream that finally came true! Very soon company became the largest denim manufacturer for kids in Russia and in Europe.
Gloria Jeans
Gloria Jeans (cached image)