Ladies: I am honored to have received an email from the Fabulous Miss Candiss Cole herself about this listed piece. I have pasted the contents of the email below so as not to post her username and thus to preserve her privacy. As an avid fan of her work, it was such fun to hear from her! Anyone who may question the provenance or authenticity of this gorgeous silk art coat can rest assured:”Catherine, Great to see this piece is still looking fabulous. The Silk weaving holds up for many years of wonderful wearing. Who-ever gets this piece will have a very unique Candiss Cole Garment. You are right, it is VINTAGE CANDISS COLE!
[And from subsequent emails:] By the way, this piece is a rare one. Not many were made with the multi colored panels. And that color combination is rare. I haven’t woven multi paneled fabrics for at least five years. Good luck and glad to see it is still in such great condition.
Sincerely Candiss Cole – Candiss Cole Designs” [Thank you very much, Ms. Cole, for your comments!]
Candiss Cole Coat
Candiss Cole Coat (cached image)