and now The Story
My kids and I went shopping at Old Navy. I was trying valiantly to get my son to pick out some pants (he really hates clothes shopping), when my daughter come up and says she want ~ no ~ Has to Has To HAS TO Have these pants. “They’re so cooooooool!! and I love! love!! LOVE the color” she says. ( she even squealed a bit) I ask if she tried them on, and point out they’re a very different style than she normally wears. She says yes she tried them on and they fit PERFECT and… You get the gist, eh? I buy them… they were on sale.
We get home and she promptly takes all of the tags off, much to my chagrin, saying she’s going to wear them to school the very next day! (*please note* she’s 15 and one of those exclamation point kinda gals ~ I don’t know where she gets it from, I was never that way at her age)
The next morning I walk past her room to see my dear daughter has magically become transformed into a stork with a nasty case of the creeping heebie geebies and a bad attitude. She’s jiggling, she’s shaking each leg one at a time, she’s ranting and grumbling and twitching, she’s about near to a total melt down.
Now please remember, it’s 6am.
I laugh.
Oh boy, I’m in trouble now. I ask what the problem is, while trying very hard to attempt to maintain a straight face. (I’m failing miserably at this point) Since she now has an audience, she starts jerking and jiggling and ranting even more… it’s almost like she’s got ants in her pants.
Any moms reading this? Do you know what I’m going through at this point?
Obviously, it’s the pants. “They fit funny” she whines. Gee, I’m shocked. “They’re tooooo tight around the ankles and they touch my legs all the way down!!!” she whines some more. This is a girl who wears cargo pants almost exclusively, wide leg cargo pants. Of course they fit different ~ and ~ by golly, I pointed that out in the store the day before too. After laughing a bit more, I finally relent and let her wear a different pair of pants to school that day. This happened in the fall, I haven’t seen these pants since. UNTIL, I made her clean her room this past weekend. And lo and behold, here they are on top of her dresser folded neatly.
Well, I’ll be darned if I put a pair of brand spankin new pants into the goodwill pile, so here they are ~ ready for you to bid on.
Teal Blue Stretch Jeans
Teal Blue Stretch Jeans (cached image)