Monthly Archives: March 2009
How About a Threesome? T-Shirt
The one and only time I wore this shirt I got propasitioned, Unfortunatly I’m not gay cause it was 2 guys. My advise would be to wear it to a straight bar. Unless of course your gay. How About a Threesome? T-Shirt How About a Threesome? T-Shirt (cached image)
How About a Threesome? T-Shirt
The one and only time I wore this shirt I got propasitioned, Unfortunatly I’m not gay cause it was 2 guys. My advise would be to wear it to a straight bar. Unless of course your gay. How About a Threesome? T-Shirt How About a Threesome? T-Shirt (cached image)
Purple Audio T-Shirt
How would you like to be as cool as my friend Presto? Here he is with Steven Tyler, wearing his Purple Audio tee-shirt. There is a funny story behind this photograph – buy the shirt and I’ll share it with you. Purple Audio T-Shirt
Purple Audio T-Shirt
How would you like to be as cool as my friend Presto? Here he is with Steven Tyler, wearing his Purple Audio tee-shirt. There is a funny story behind this photograph – buy the shirt and I’ll share it with you. Purple Audio T-Shirt